What is YAML2RPM?

At UCI we run a campus-accessible, shared-use, high-performance computing cluster with hundreds of domain-specific applications. The applications need to be compiled and installed, often with updated toolchains (prerequisites and dependencies). Users regularly require multiple versions to be installed. We developed YAML2RPM to manage the multiple versions, dependencies, and other details of a resilient software deployment. YAML-formatted specification files are used to describe how to build an application, encode dependencies, and where to install. Through programmatic translation via a custom python program, the YAML input generates the ingredients to build a RedHat-compatible RPM using the distribution’s native rpmbuild tool. The full process creates human-recognizable package names, supports multiple installed versions, and easily encodes dependencies for repeatable and robust application stacks. In a full-stack recompilation, over 2000 individual RPMs are created.

YAML2RPM is a Generic Methodology for building RPMS This software uses the underlying Rocks methodology for automatically creating RPM spec files to create packages. Where it differs from Rocks is that a YAML-based specification of a package is used to define the specific details of a component, instead of a subdirectory structure for each package (see the rocksclusters github rolls for many examples of the subdirectory structure)

Most (open-source) software starts with a source tarball, extracts the tarball, configures for the local environment, executes make and then executes make install In the above, make might be cmake or some other software-specific tool. The last step, to turn the result of the steps, community-standard, process into an installable package is often deemed too time-consuming or difficult. The advantages of creating a package include:

  • File system conflicts resulting from different software builds are flagged prior-to-install

  • Software dependency resolution staves off many errors when attempting to remove a key software package that other packages depend upon

  • Binary packages can be “compiled once” and reused in testing, staging, production environments

  • System tools (e.g., yum) can be used a common tool to interrogate the file system for integrity, ownership of specific files and other items.

This software relies on only one Rocks-created software package, but otherwise is completely compatible with Generic CentOS and RedHat.


The approach used here is one where programmatic translations are used to progressively create a subdirectory structure that mirrors the way Rocks builds RPMS (an example of building a qrencode RPM). In that structure, an RPM spec file is automatically created and files are put in appropriate places in which rpmbuild can success fully build a package. The generated spec file must define a source in a %source as well as %build, %install, %file and other RPM-specific directives. In particular, the %source is a tarball of this directory in gith ub (e.g. the base/src/qrencode directory). However, prior to creating the tarball, the upstream tarball (e.g. qrencode-3.4.0.tar.bz2) must be placed in base/src/qrencode directory. The automatically generated spec fil e, the %build directive invokes the build target of the Makefile provided here. In this example the section looks like:

        bunzip2 -c $(NAME)-$(VERSION).$(TARBALL_POSTFIX) | $(TAR) -xf -
        (                                                    \
             cd $(NAME)-$(VERSION);                          \
             ./configure --prefix=$(PKGROOT);                \
             $(MAKE);                                        \

This build target looks very similar to what you would do if your are building software without placing it into a package. And that is intentional. In building literally hundreds of packages, the basic approach works quite well, but it comes that price of excessive code copying. The goal of the YAML-based generation of a package is to remove as much gratuitous “copy-and-paste” structure as possible.

While the above is very simple (and actually a quite common build motif), there are many variations on how something is built, what it is dependent upon, and the like. In real use on, for example, academic computing clusters groupings of software have common dependencies. A routine example is software that depends upon a newer version of gcc. The new version of gcc must be installed alongside the system version. The gcc-admix repository uses YAML2RPM to build an updated version of gcc, a module file, and some compatible libraries. Those packages can then be installed and used to build other software.

Yaml2rpm set out to solve part of the problem of building and packaging relatively complex software. At its core, it creates packages in the RPM format, but without the pain of manually building and maintaining spec files. A developer who wants to build yaml2rpm-generated packages must still have some familiarity with RPM concepts and yum.


If you want to use prebuilt RPMS for testing on a standard CentOS machine, you can follow what is below. The following was tested on the official CentOS 7 Amazon machine image.

If you want to build yaml2rpm RPMS and install them from source repo, see Building section.


  1. Python 3. Required python modules: argparse, socket, datetime. There are 4 python modules that will be automatically built and installed during the “Building” step:

    • future: for compatibility of python 2/3 code

    • ruamel-yaml & ruamle-ycml-clib: used by the main script gen-definitions.py

    • setuptools: for building python dependent packages.

  2. If you are using a very stripped-down CentOS image (similar to the official CentOS 7 image in Amazon, you will want to make certain you have the following packages and package groups installed

    yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Console Internet Tools"
    yum install redhat-lsb wget zlib-devel environment-modules
    . /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
  3. Install the development RPMS. Go to the Development RPMS repository for the latest pre-built RPMs and instructions. After following those instructions, you can build your first RPM from source.


You may want to build the yaml2rpm rpms and install them from the source git repository. Do the following in the top-level directory You will need to set DISPLAY prior to doing this so that firefox can ask for your permission to read public data


After this step is complete the followign RPMs are built and installed:

  • python-future

  • python-setuptools

  • python-ruamel-yaml

  • python-ruamel-yaml-clib

  • rcic-module-support

  • rcic-module-path

  • yaml2rpm

The python- RPMs provide 4 needed python modules for your default system python install. The rcic-module-support, rcic-module-path, and yaml2rpm provide all the building structure and support files for the packages builds. They include a couple of profiles files that are added to the /etc/profile.d.

In order to proceed with next steps simply execute them (for future logins they will be automatically sourced by the login shell):

. /etc/profile.d/rcic-modules.sh
. /etc/profile.d/yaml2rpm.sh

A simple test build

For a very simple build of an RPM, create a working directory workdir in this simple example. And then download the source tarball into the workdir/sources directory. Then create the cmake RPM, it will be placed in workdir/RPMS/x86_64

mkdir -p workdir/yamlspecs
cd workdir/yamlspecs; cp /opt/rocks/yaml2rpm/samples/* .
make download PKG=cmake
make download PKG=scons

At the end of the process, you should have 4 RPMs in workdir/RPMS/x86_64/. You could install them on the local machine and have an updated version of cmake and scons, and corresponding environment modules. For example. the module for cmake can be loaded in order to use cmake:

module load cmake
which cmake

The version of cmake is defined in the versions.yaml file, if you wanted to update the version, you could edit that file, download the new source tarball directly from the source website and then rebuild a new package via

make download PKG=cmake
make cmake.pkg
make cmake-module.pkg